The Feast Of St. Michael's


Michael Archangel, we beseech thee, send us,
Peace bearing with him, gracious to befriend us;
So may his presence constantly attend us, Prospering all things..
From Hymn

More History

In some sections of Europe, especially in the north and in England, wine consumed on this day was called "Saint Michael’s Love" (Michelsminne). In Denmark the drinking of Saint Michael’s wine on September 29 has been preserved as a popular custom to the present day.

LITURGICAL PRAYER: O God, who dost establish the ministry of angels and men in a wonderful order, graciously grant that Thy holy angels, who ever serve Thee in heaven, may also protect our lives on earth.


All Photos are provided by Andrew Perrotta.  The people from Rutino, Italy brought the feast to Brooklyn which was held on 21 street between 4 & 5th Avenues. The feast lasted until the early 1950's. The photos below were brought from Rutino, Italy by Andrew Perrotta's great-grandparents, Francisco & Filomina Perrotta.

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Little boy playing Michael the Arch Angel dangling in the air was Alfonso Devita"